Blundell Seafoods is committed to being a diverse, inclusive, and equal business. We do not discriminate by race, ethnicity, gender, language, culture, religious belief, age, or education. Blundell Seafoods is located in the center of a multicultural hot-spot and benefits from the wide variety of different cultures and backgrounds present in our community. We strive to be representative of our vibrant community and grow together inclusively. 

It is important to us that we hear and appreciate different perspectives, and that every individual feels included and respected with equal opportunity and equity. We believe that everyone should be able to have their voice heard, and that everyone should have equal opportunity to voice their opinions. We are committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of their race, colour, ethnicity, gender, culture, or personal beliefs. We proudly support refugee’s attempts to settle in Canada.

For us, diversity, inclusivity, and equity is central to our beliefs and leveraging these important values as well as working together allows us to continually improve, grow, and thrive. 


At Blundell Seafoods, we are proud to be: